There are many infectious diseases in africa . 非洲有许多传染病。
Cloudy swelling is seen in febrile infectious diseases and metallic poisoning . 混浊肿胀见于热性传染病和金属中毒。
Pseudorabies is an infectious disease that, with few exceptions, is acute . 伪狂犬病是一种急性(除很少例外)传染病。
He coined the word chemotherapy to describe this approach to the control of infectious disease . 他将这种控制传染病的方法称为化学疗法。
In the early days, pathologists called any agent of infectious disease "virus" . 在早期,植物病理学家把任何侵染性病害的因子,都叫做‘virus’。
The history of anthrax is intimately associated with the history of bacteriology and infectious disease . 炭疽病的历史与细菌学和传染病学的历史是密切相关的。
For several decades thereafter control of infectious disease was based exclusively on the use of antisera and vaccines . 此后几十年间,传染病几乎全靠抗血清及疫苗来控制。
Pasteurellosis denotes an infectious disease in which the microorgunisms pasteurella multocida or pasteurella hemolytyca are causally involved . 巴氏杆菌病是病原涉及多杀性巴氏杆菌或溶血性巴氏杆菌的一种传染病。
To study aids associated infectious diseases ; and 研究与爱滋病有关的传染病以及
Senior medical officer , infectious disease team , pmh 玛嘉烈医院传染病科高级医生